
September 2004 - September 2010

As part of my Masters Degree, I exhibited a piece called ‘11th October’ in the centre of Newcastle

I graduated with First Class Honours in Fine Art from Newcastle University in 2008, winning the prestigious Hatton Gallery Prize.

Shortly after, I gained a Masters Degree in Research in Digital Media, specialising in emerging technologies and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in artistic practice.

‘11th October’ (2010)

As part of my Masters Degree, I exhibited a piece called ‘11th October’ in the centre of Newcastle. The installation broadly reappropriated how memory and meaning are assigned to objects; the process of signification. Drawing upon both memory and documentation of a walk through Newcastle on 11th October, 2005, the piece served as a meditative platform on which to explore the personal signification of its constituent elements and by contrast, the universality of its imagery, phenomenology and interaction.

The piece utilises a reworked Victorian streetlight as a vehicle for interactive digital video projection. The streetlight houses a bespoke digital video projection system, allowing for ground-based projection. The interaction; in which the users’ movement triggers animation of autumn leaves, is driven by an overhead camera, tracking and visual content application, written in Jitter and using the cv.jit library. 

‘11th October’ utilised a re-engineered Victorian streetlight as a vehicle for interactive digital video projection.

‘Pauses’ (2008)

As part of my Fine Art Degree, I exhibited a piece called ‘Pauses’. It explored issues of place, familiarisation and memory. The exhibition comprised four films and sound, installed within a purpose-built space.

Each film and sound piece extracted specific information and narrative from routes and journeys with which I had become familiar. Though each film and sound extract can be experienced holistically, the emphasis is upon creating niches within the space from which the viewer can begin a process of familiarisation; curved walls suggest that each film be approached, assessed and experienced individually, whilst fragments of sound allude to elements of hidden narrative.

This film was projected through a purpose-built water tank, constructed within a plinth.

